EMVCo Updates EMV 3-D Secure Specification

Enhanced specification further promotes frictionless authentication for e-commerce transactions, providing additional benefits for both merchants and consumers

14 December 2018 – EMVCo today announces the publication of the EMV® 3-D Secure Protocol and Core Functions Specification v2.2.0. The updated specification includes enhancements to promote an optimised consumer experience while supporting new authentication channels when making e-commerce transactions.

EMV 3DS is a messaging protocol that promotes frictionless consumer authentication and enables consumers to authenticate themselves with their card issuer when making card-not-present (CNP) e-commerce purchases. The additional security layer helps prevent unauthorised CNP transactions and protect the merchant from exposure to CNP fraud.
EMV 3DS specification version 2.2.0 builds upon the current specification version 2.1.0 which is available today on the EMV 3DS Test Platform, enabling 3DS product providers to confirm that their solutions will perform in accordance with the specification. Support of v2.1.0 is required in order to implement v2.2.0. Key updates within version 2.2.0 include:
• Improved communication between merchants and issuers, enabling Europe’s Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) exemptions for Strong Consumer Authentication to be applied. While the previous version of the EMV 3DS Specification enables PSD2 compliance, the latest updates provide additional features for merchants and issuers to maximise the benefit of the available exemptions.
• Two new features to enable authentication for various payment scenarios including mail order and telephone order transactions:
o 3DS Requestor Initiated (3RI) payments – enabling a merchant to initiate a transaction even if the cardholder is offline.
o Decoupled authentication – allowing cardholder authentication to occur even if the cardholder is offline.
• Expansion of existing data elements to promote communication of pre-checkout authentication events and associated data as part of the EMV 3DS transaction from systems such as those supporting the FIDO Alliance standards.
These enhancements are available if all 3DS components involved in the transaction have updated their software to support v2.2.0.

“EMV 3DS exists to promote secure, consistent consumer authentication for e-commerce transactions across all channels and connected devices, while optimising the cardholder’s experience,” comments Stephanie Ericksen, Chair of the EMVCo Executive Committee. “Our work in this area continues to evolve to ensure we respond to new marketplace requirements. EMVCo continues to encourage the payments community to get involved and provide feedback on the EMV 3DS activity.”

Earlier this year EMVCo announced the availability of the full EMV 3DS Test Platform, which enables the functional testing of EMV 3DS solutions. Letters of Approval are currently being issued for those 3DS products that have successfully tested against version 2.1.0. A list of approved products can be found on the EMVCo website. Products submitted for EMV 3DS v2.2.0 compliance testing will also be tested against EMV 3DS v2.1.0 to receive an EMV 3DS v2.2.0 Letter of Approval. Testing support for version 2.2.0 is expected to be available mid-2019. Progress updates will be posted on the EMVCo website.

To stay informed of the latest EMVCo developments and receive advanced access to EMV Specifications and related documents, join the EMVCo Associates Programme or become a Subscriber.

Credit card authorization form template alert

Searching for a credit card authorization form template? Maybe PCI compliant form or Microsoft Word compatible template? Stop! If your web browser is not up to date, just landing on the web site that has the form might introduce malicious code into a company’s systems and network, leading to a future data breach.

Businesses should be replacing traditional credit card authorization forms with other payment methods where the customer self-pays:

  • Hosted pay page
  • Push out a payment request via text or email

Per Visa, merchants are never allowed to ask for the security code on paper.  Merchants also cannot store the form with full card numbers. They increase risk of fraud and identity theft and nobody likes them!

What are the benefits of customer initiated payments?

  • Reduced merchant fees for some cards (3-D Secure cardholder authentication such as Verified by Visa must be enabled.)
  • Increased approvals with cardholder authentication.
  • Mitigate chargeback risk – with 3-D Secure cardholder authentication, fraud liability shifts to issuer.
  • More convenient for buyers- 24/7 payments on their schedule, not yours
  • Buyers are in control of choosing to store payment methods

How do you choose the best solution? Here’s some of our product differentiators:

  • PCI Compliant credit card authorization form generated automatically, should you have a need to get a signature to terms for storing and using stored cards.
  • 3-D Secure cardholder authentication supported.
  • Choose any acquirer.
  • Automated interchange management, including level 3 processing for business to business (B2B) and business to government (B2G), to reduce fees and maximize profits.
  • If preauthorizations are needed, ongoing authorization management is critical and we do that automatically.

Call Christine Speedy, PCI Council QIR certified, for simple solutions to complex payment transaction problems, 954-942-0483, 9-5 ET. CenPOS authorized reseller based out of South Florida and NY. CenPOS is an integrated commerce technology platform driving innovative, omnichannel solutions tailored to meet a merchant’s market needs. Providing a single point of integration, the CenPOS platform combines payment, commerce and value-added functionality enabling merchants to transform their commerce experience, eliminate the need to manage complex integrations, reduce the burden of accepting payments and create deeper customer relationships.

Level 3 Credit Card Processing Solutions

Level 3 processing requires payment solutions that can both send level data and dynamically optimize transactions to qualify for level 3 rates. Learn the secrets to higher profits right now. Were you told your last solution would fix your problems so you’d qualify properly? Have you been told with more training you could fix the problems to hit level 3? Hogwash! It’s not your fault, you just didn’t have an insider perspective until now.

Many payment gateways can send level 3 data, but the requirements to qualify for level III interchange rates are much more complicated than that. Do you perform preauthorizations? You know what happens when the preauth expires? Or when the final settlement is not the same as the preauthorization? These are just two of many reason merchants fail to qualify for level 3.

New rules for storing cards and using stored cards can also impact profits. Hint: If you haven’t made big changes to how you do this since October 2017, you’ve got a problem. Failure to comply with any rules negates rate qualification. If issuers are not sophisticated enough to catch all the rule breakers now, it’s only a matter of time. In the future, cardholders will be able to login to their bank and view all the companies that are storing their cards. So if you haven’t made the changes needed per new stored card requirements, including the new Unscheduled Credential On File (UCOF) transaction indicator, that creates a problem for the long term goals in financial industry. Compliance enforcement can include penalties and assessments.

I’ve seen demo’s, heard sales pitches, and read the documentation on many payment gateways and virtual terminals. It’s not what’s there, but what’s not there that is most revealing. Before choosing a level 3 processing solution, get a demo. If you’ll be using a virtual terminal, use that for the demo. If you’ll be using an integrated solution, view the integrated solution demo.

The demo:

  • Store a regular card and business card. What methods are used to capture the initial card data? Then charge each card. Note the steps for each.
  • How does the solution manage reversals on preauthorizations?
  • What’s the process to identify and renew an expired authorization?
  • How can buyer complete a transaction with 3-D Secure?
  • Pull report to retrieve transaction.
  • Pull report with level 3 data.
  • Ask if the gateway supports Recurring, Installment, or UCOF depending on your needs; virtually all support Recurring, but not the others.

Note how much of the process is automated, how much relies on people making decisions, and if any items are not available. Take screenshots. On a Mac it’s command + shift+ 4.

Want a payments expert as a silent observer? Ask me to sit in on the call for unbiased feedback.

Call Christine Speedy, PCI Council QIR certified, for simple solutions to complex payment transaction problems, 954-942-0483, 9-5 ET. CenPOS authorized reseller based out of South Florida and NY. CenPOS is an integrated commerce technology platform driving innovative, omnichannel solutions tailored to meet a merchant’s market needs. Providing a single point of integration, the CenPOS platform combines payment, commerce and value-added functionality enabling merchants to transform their commerce experience, eliminate the need to manage complex integrations, reduce the burden of accepting payments and create deeper customer relationships.

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How to fix Ingenico ISC250 Lane Closed ?

ingenico ISC250 & isc350 reset

Ingenico isc250 EMV chip and pin signature capture terminal.

The Ingenico ISC 250 touch and ISC 350 terminals will have a message ‘lane closed’ when not in use. To be more clear, the Ingenico terminals are slaves to software that tells them what to do. So the user must be logged into their point of sale (POS) solution, integrated software, or virtual terminal that drives the terminal.

If you’re logged in and click on SALE and the terminal still says lane closed, you need to do some troubleshooting. Is the terminal properly connected to the PC or device driving it? If this is a terminal that was previously known to be working, try swapping cables with another if available.

CenPOS users call support with your CenPOS MID at 877-630-7960. If you’re a user, you’ll know it. For everyone else, if you still have a problem, contact your IT department, Point of Sale solutions provider or whoever sold you terminals. 3D Merchant does not provide technical support to merchants using other companies business solutions so please do not open chat asking for help with your LANE CLOSED problem. We do not maintain a list of support numbers for retail solutions providers, equipment resellers, or anyone else who you may need to contact. If you’re open to changing vendors so you can improve your customer support or any other needs, then feel free to contact us.

For PCI Compliance, only PCI Council QIR certified professionals are allowed to touch or install terminals for level 4 merchants. Do not allow unauthorized outside vendors to physically touch your terminals.

PCI Alert: Some versions of Ingenico ISC 250 & 350 EMV terminals will be expiring April 2019. They’re not upgradeable and will need to be replaced. Hint: If you see cheap terminals for sale online, they’re probably expiring.

3D Merchant Services provides payment processing technology merchants need to drive Ingenico and other EMV chip terminals, with full cashiering, and without the need to purchase any additional POS software. The credit card processing terminals can be operated with a secure virtual terminal or with integrated solutions that keep merchant POS applications out of scope for PA DSS. Many recent merchant data breaches have occurred from applications that were in scope for PA DSS. By segregating payments from POS applications, merchants can increase security while reducing compliance burden. Merchants have the option for point to point encrypted (P2PE) terminals and solution or optional Validated P2PE service; the latter requires extra steps for merchants and significantly reduces PCI compliance burden with an SAQ that’s about 90% shorter.

Call Christine Speedy, PCI Council QIR certified, to purchase terminals and retail solutions, 954-942-0483, 9-5 ET. CenPOS authorized reseller based out of South Florida and NY. CenPOS is an integrated commerce technology platform driving innovative, omnichannel solutions tailored to meet a merchant’s market needs. Providing a single point of integration, the CenPOS platform combines payment, commerce and value-added functionality enabling merchants to transform their commerce experience, eliminate the need to manage complex integrations, reduce the burden of accepting payments and create deeper customer relationships.