How much can I save?

You can save money without changing credit card processors. What? How is this possible? With Least Cost Routing, interchange optimization, interchange management, and  cardholder verification technology, you can save on many forms of payments including check, credit card, GSA, electronic bill presentment and payment, and recurring billing among others.

Clients have saved as much as 50% a month in hard dollar savings in merchant fees. Others have saved in unexpected ways using our web-based solutions; for example, reduced reconciliation time or collections management. The cost of accepting credit cards and processing payments of all forms goes beyond the ‘merchant discount’, which is the mark up rate that pass-through-interchange merchants pay. Only you can measure the value of efficiency gained, of new business acquired because you made it easier for customers to conduct business with you, of increased margins by reducing losses from fraud and disputes, and of reducing employee time chasing past due receivables.

The average merchant can reduce US merchant fees by 22 basis points using our cardholder verification service for card not present transactions.

Credit card processing savings:

The bulk of your savings is from improved interchange rate qualification for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover processing. Interchange comprises more than 95% of your fees. American Express operates differently so savings may or may not occur; we can advise you on negotiating better rates, when applicable. Other elements such as check processing, are for another discussion.

Savings vary widely based on these factors:

  • what type of credit card processing price plan you are on now
  • dollar volume processing
  • industry
  • specific acquirer / processor
  • global presence and geographic locations of customers
  • payment acceptance points

Your current plan:
Some price plans are much worse than others. We’ll advise you if your plan supports maximum savings possible with interchange management tools in place.

Dollar volume:
There is no set volume for determining savings. Our typical customer has a business to business component and processes more than $1 million annually. The bigger your volume, the more likely you are to save bigger dollars, but a smaller percentage relative to current costs.

Percentage of processing costs:
Same applies as to dollar volume:

  • Most merchants analyzed save 10-30% off their monthly merchant fees
  • About 25% of merchants save about 30-50%

Your industry:
See merchant card processing specialties for individual – industry performance notes. In general:
Most savings: Any business to business company, particularly manufacturers and distributors. We love industrial parts and services companies like sheet metal, pneumatics, and hydrolics; Auto supply/auto repair, building supply, appliance,marble & stone, anything business to business or mixed retail and card not present, including ecommerce.

We specialize in business to business.

Your region:

Big cities tend to be more competitive, but it is not a great predictor. Companies get so many sales calls by those in the industry in larger cities that they tend to just shut them all out. Why? Over 95% of processors offer the same price plans, with little variation other than rate. Thus when making comparisons, they are all about the same year after year. The other 5% who offer different price plans are usually the ones with the better deal, but may never get the opportunity.

IF YOU ONLY LOOK AT DOLLAR SAVINGS, WE’RE NOT THE RIGHT VENDOR FOR YOU. If you look at the whole picture of improving your customer experience, gaining efficiencies, improving cashflow, improving PCI compliance and managing fees, then we’re probably a great fit.