EBPP Improves Dealer Marketshare

Enhancing your customer experience involves many factors, and what happens when it’s time to pay is one of them, whether it’s online, in store or over the phone. The automotive and trucking industries have made significant investments to improve and measure their customer experiences, but failure to change payment technology creates differentiation for consumer choice. Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment, EBPP or EIPP, can create a more pleasant and secure consumer experience and can win dealers more marketshare.

eipp payment request

Body of email containing prefilled payment info, and link to securely pay online.

Let’s explore some examples. A dealer recently installed EMV chip card terminals. When a commercial account calls to order parts here are possible scenarios and repercussions:

  • The card number is key entered on the EMV chip terminal. Since the transaction is RETAIL, and the transaction was not swipe or chip, the dealer has no recourse if it’s fraud. Additionally, it will downgrade to the worst interchange rate, possibly doubling the cost to process the transaction. Some customers don’t like to spend the time going through the phone process, so the last touch with them is less than stellar.
  • The card number is key entered on a separate virtual terminal. If the transaction is MOTO, dependent upon merchant account configuration, the dealer has some fraud protection. Some customers don’t like to spend the time going through the phone process, so the last touch with them is less than stellar.
  • The customer gets a text message, or email, with a click to pay option. This is ideal because the customer is now in control of how and where they want to pay. Additional automated fraud controls like 3-D Secure Verified by Visa (VbyV) can be used. VbyV can mitigate risk, shifting fraud liability to the issuer, and sometimes also reduces the qualified interchange rate, depending on the card type.

If customers have multiple dealers to choose from, which will they go to? Millennial research shows they’ll switch for a better experience, and for them, that includes non-face-to-face interaction. Any dealer that wants to maximize customer satisfaction, and profits, must address the growing millennial demographic; they prefer to minimize personal interaction and use more digital technology as part of their purchasing experience. According to a Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System March 2016 report, purchasing an item on their phone (42%) was one of the top three common mobile payment activities among mobile payments users with smartphones.

Christine Speedy is an authorized reseller of CenPOS, creating efficiencies through payment innovation. The CenPOS EBPP solution is available both integrated to ERP and other software, as well as standalone via a web browser.

Bluebird Auto Rental Systems Enters Business Partnership with CenPOS

Bluebird Auto Rental Systems announced that they have entered into a
business partnership agreement with CenPOS, a Miami-based firm specializing in credit
card platform solutions.

Founded by Jorge Fernandez in 2008, CenPOS is a “super gateway”, allowing Bluebird’s
customers around the world to use any one of the various processors available in their
region. It is EMV Certified and uses Bluebird’s latest credit card platform: tokenization.
“We are excited about our partnership with Bluebird. With our deep connection to the
automotive market, working with a partner like Bluebird is a natural fit” commented Joey
Orozco, Director of Sales. “We look forward to bringing our mutual customers an EMV
ready solution that is easy to use and ready to meet demands of the rapidly evolving
payment space.”

Current and prospective customers of Bluebird will have the services of CenPOS made
available to them. “Through this partnership with CenPOS, we can jointly offer our
customers an alternative to how they process credit cards now. Some use a separate
standalone machine, and some use other gateways and processors” stated Angela
Margolit, President of Bluebird. “Our goal is to give our customers a choice.”

About Bluebird Auto Rental Systems

Bluebird Auto Rental Systems is a leading provider of software for the vehicle rental and
dealership service loaner industry since 1982. Bluebird’s Auto Rental Application,
RentWorks, is used around the world to effectively manage the efficiency and
profitability of any size vehicle rental operation.

About CenPOS

CenPOS is a merchant-centric, end-to-end payments engine that drives enterprise-class
solutions for businesses, saving them time and money, while improving their customer
engagement. CenPOS’ secure, cloud-based solution optimizes acceptance for all payment types across multiple channels without disrupting the merchant’s banking relationships.

Increasing B2B Loyalty With Improved Customer Experience

b2b einvoiceThe last mile in any business to business transaction, collecting payment, can be a point of friction or a seamless part of a great buying experience. Too often, its the former due to a multiple roadblocks including paper invoicing, and accounts receivable staff availability for time zone differences.

Established family businesses often have the same customers for generations and they’re fiercely loyal. Or are they? In a Bain & Company survey of 290 executives in B2B industries throughout 11 countries, 68% of respondents said customers are less loyal than they used to be. Technology can be a game changer for increasing loyalty.

Common business to business billing scenarios for distributors without ecommerce capabilities:

  • Distributor A sends invoices via text or email and lets their customer choose their experience and how they want to pay. Pay from the email/text or login to a portal? Store and tokenize ACH or credit card or manually enter each time? Send check in the mail?
  • Distributor B sends invoices via email and requires customer to login to a portal to make payments.
  • Distributor C has an online pay page customers can use to pay any amount.
  • Distributor D send invoices via email, and customers send checks in the mail.
  • Distributor E sends invoice and credit card authorization form via email, then gets a fax back, key enters into a virtual terminal.

Which billing strategy delivers the optimal customer experience? Customers want to interact with you in multiple ways, so if you’re still doing business the same way you have for decades, customers have likely shifted some of their business, or maybe all of it, to another vendor. Price is not the likely culprit. In a retail study about millennials, just 15% always purchase from the lowest price retailer, while 38% cited convenience as a reason to not purchase. 58% said they’d take advantage of self-checkout on their own mobile device.

What does this mean for B2B distribution companies? Think like your customers. Are you making it easy to do business? Are you increasing their efficiency? What’s the opportunity cost of not updating? I once sought a new distributor for a product an existing supplier discontinued. I found one, but didn’t place the first order. Why not? They required calling in with my credit card information citing it would be more secure. We were in different time zones and the phone was busy, or the person at lunch, and it was just plain inconvenient to keep trying.

A distributor recently advised me they don’t store anything – they require a credit card authorization form for every single purchase. Talk about driving customers away! Even a simple hosted pay page can alleviate the need for paper forms, immensely increase customer convenience, and increase cash flow to boot. While increasing a credit line is a possibility, some customers use them as a tool to self-manage credit, increasing purchasing without having to interact with anyone.

Invoicing and payment technology updates are critical to garnering customer loyalty, regardless of the payment type. The more flexible the solution, the more likely each customer can interact with your business via their preferred method. Today’s technology supports a myriad of payment types, including ACH, credit card, wire and others, and multiple ways to interact for making payments from email to text and beyond. Delighted customers are more loyal and more likely to refer new business.

Christine Speedy is an authorized reseller for CenPOS, a cloud-based, end-to-end payments engine that drives enterprise-class solutions for businesses, saving them time and money, while improving their customer engagement. The secure, cloud-based solution optimizes acceptance for all payment types across multiple channels without disrupting the merchant’s banking relationships. 954-942-0483

Can I use CenPOS gateway for Quickbooks electronic invoicing EIPP alternative?

Businesses can use the CenPOS Quickbooks integration for einvoicing and payment from text or email. The CenPOS electronic bill presentment and payment, or EBPP, also known as electronic invoice presentment and payment, or EIPP, will improve your customer experience and boost cash flow, as an alternative to the Intuit PaymentNetwork.

cenpos eipp electronic invoice presentment and payment

CenPOS EIPP screenshot of email body

Intuit PaymentNetwork is an electronic invoicing and payment service to accept credit cards, debit cards and ACH payments. CenPOS is a univeral payment processing network that streamlines the payment experience for merchants and customers through all sales channels, and multiple payment types. The CenPOS Quickbooks plugin is easy to use increases profits and cashflow vs Intuit einvoicing solution.

CenPOS vs Quickbooks Intuit EIPP Core Differences:

EIPP Quickbooks Intuit vs CenPOS reviewSome specific advantages:

  • Easier for customers to buy- proven to reduce DS, and increase satisfaction
  • Easier for customers to buy- proven to increase business to business sales
  • Agnostic to financial partners- non-disruptive if you change them
  • Does not create a new customer if the cardholder name does not match the name on the invoice (big complaint for Quickbooks users)

When comparing CenPOS vs Intuit’s Quickbooks EIPP solutions, CenPOS is a far more robust and powerful solution to maximize profits. Contact us for the free plugin and CenPOS services.

Microsoft Dynamics AX EMV terminals certified today

EMV chip certified solutions are now available for Microsoft Dynamics AX. As they’re still fairly new, it’s important to ask questions about functionality. EMV chip card acceptance certification is complicated, which is why many companies did not complete their certifications by the October 2015 liability shift.

Dynamics AX EMV for Retail tips to compare solutions:

  • How is pin-debit managed? Is EMV chip and pin supported? Can customers bypass entering pin? This is important because whoever supports the highest level of security determines liability for fraud.
  • Is level III data supported? This is important if the customer base includes business to business. For example, building materials distributors have retail and wholesale customers, and qualifying transactions for level 3 interchange rates can significantly improve profits.
  • What are the acquirer options? Can you choose your own, or are you required to use a specific processor?
  • Is P2P supported? Point to point encryption is an extra layer of security to prevent data breaches from malware and other criminal activities.
  • What is the audit trail? Identifying who did what and when is a part of PCI Compliance.
  • Can user functions be limited by job role, required for PCI Compliance?
  • If omnichannel, how will the solution help with all sales channel needs?
verifone MX915 EMV terminal

Verifone MX915 multilane signature capture terminal

ingenico mobile emv icmp

Christine Speedy, 3D Merchant Services owner,  can help guide you through the complexity of choosing the best solution for your business. Which terminal is certified with which processor? From mobile to multilane, Christine’s knowledge and experience will help you implement faster, and take the pain out of consulting with multiple vendors that come up short on solutions.