Level 3 processing for Magento

Looking for a level 3 processing gateway?

No new merchant account required with our omnichannel payment gateway that works with your existing financial partners. Contact us for a free Magento gateway module and your business to business company can start qualifying for lower interchange rates almost instantly.

Example of a wew low interchange rate a merchant transaction qualified for.

Example of a low level 3 interchange rate a merchant transaction qualified for. Without our solution, the qualified interchange rate would have been more than double.

Key things to note:

  • Level 3 processing for all major processors
  • Omnichannel – from retail to hosted pay pages to Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment, level 3 is supported all sales channels.
  • To qualify for level 3 interchange rates, any initial pre-authorization and settlement must be equal, and there must be a valid authorization code (not expired), in addition to other requirements. It’s here where most other solutions fail, even if they do support level 3.

Level 3 payment gateway are modules available for Prestashop and other shopping carts too. Contact Christine Speedy at 3D Merchant Services



First Data EMV Certified Terminals For Chip Cards

Which terminals are EMV certified to accept chip cards with First Data today?  There are terminals that are First Data only compatible and there are terminals that can be used with any processor, but need to be certified for each payment solution integrated to First Data.

EMV Capable vs EMV Certified

  • EMV Capable or Ready: A terminal that has the hardware, but has not been certified. EMV capable terminals have been distributed for years in hopes to convert to EMV later. Not all capable machines will ever be certified for EMV.
  • EMV Certified: A terminal that has been certified to a specific processor, including specific application, if applicable.
  • EMV Activated: A merchant with an EMV certified terminal, and merchant account updated to accept chip card transactions.

EMV Certified For First Data:  Requires the merchant to use the certifying partner and have a First Data merchant account either direct or through an independent service organization. The terminals can generally be used with multiple processors, but each will have to choose to certify.

For example, the terminal is compatible with Paywhere and other applications, but each application will need to certify to First Data and or other processors.

  • VeriFone MX915, requires CenPOS, a merchant centric enterprise payment engine; contact Christine Speedy, 954-942-0483 for CenPOS sales and integrations.

    verifone MX915 EMV terminal

    Verifone MX915 multilane signature capture terminal

  • VeriFone E315/E335 PINPAD, requires High-Line payment gateway and merchant account
verifone e315 EMV

Verifone e315 EMV requires Apple® iPhone® 5 or Apple iPod touch® 5 and Highline merchant account

First Data EMV Certified Terminals: These terminals usually require a First Data merchant account and are locked to prevent use with other payment processors.

  • FD35 peripheral accepts EMV today. The FD35 must be paired with an FD50, FD50Ti, FD100, FD100Ti, FD200 or FD200Ti terminal.

    First Data FD35 EMV pin pad terminal

    First Data FD35 EMV PinPad

Additional Information:


Does My Company Need CenPOS? B2B Payment Gateway Checklist For Credit Card Processing

If your company has a business to business component and more than five hundred thousand in credit card processing revenues, this article is for you. If you answer yes to any question, you’ll almost certainly increase EBITDA with very little effort by switching to CenPOS.  Changing your merchant services provider is not required.

  1. Do you have a desktop terminal?
  2. Do you use authorize.net, Paypros, or Paypal for your payment gateway or virtual terminal?
  3. Do you have mixed swipe and card not present transactions on the same merchant account?
  4. Do you preauthorize cards and charge when ready to ship- sometimes weeks later?
  5. Do you ever preauthorize card for one amount, but capture or settle a different amount (change order)?
  6. Is MasterCard Data Rate I or II on your merchant statement, but not Data Rate III?

The list is what I call ‘easy pickings’ for big financial impact, and I don’t even need to see your merchant statement. CenPOS fees will nearly always be more than offset by merchant fee savings. That’s not necessarily a big enough reason to make a change, but isn’t it compelling enough to call 954-942-0483 now and learn more about how our platform can help your company?

As EMV grows, 3-D Secure importance increases

3-D Secure refers to the XML security protocol called “3 Domain Secure,” (3DS), a program designed to reduce card fraud and shift liability for fraud from online merchants to the card issuing banks. Each card brand has their own name including Verified by Visa (VbyV), MasterCard SecureCode, J/Secure, and American Express SafeKey. Discover recently announced they’ll be introducing their version this year.

emv smart card

EMV chip smart card.

Online financial fraud historically grows exponentially in countries after implementing EMV chip card processing, as thieves seek the weakest link for fake credit card purchases. More advanced fraud analytics and use of 3D secure technology helped reduce the subsequent online fraud.

One of the most oft-cited examples of this trend was the UK’s switch to EMV in 2004 and 2005. Online card fraud jumped from £117 million in 2005 (when EMV was fully implemented) to £155 million in 2006, and then up to £178 million (US$283 million) in 2007.

In the US, CenPOS is the only First Data payment processing solutions partner both EMV Certified and 3-D Secure certified; also the only signature capture terminal, the Verifone MX915. There are lots of companies rolling out EMV capable terminals, but virtually no one has certified the terminals.

CenPOS global sales and integrations reseller, Christine Speedy, 954-942-0483 for more information.

Payment Standardization Tools for Merchants

2015 merchant survey standardizationAccording to a new 2015 ETA member survey, lack of standardization is one of the top pain points for merchants, relative to payments. CenPOS industry leading payment standardization tools are often cited by merchants and developers as a top reason for choosing the merchant centric payment engine.

Partial list of standardization tools that help merchants increase efficiencies, EBITDA, and reduce PCI Compliance burden:

Two powerful items to meet stricter PCI 3.0 Compliance rules are restricting user functions and access to data by job function. Conversely, when new features are added, user permissions can be updated in an instant simply by updating the role.

  • Role management – create unlimited roles, restricting permissions by job function from cashier to 3rd party accountant.
  • User management – Easily manage users and assign roles. Someone got a promotion? Just reassign to a new role. Employee no longer with the company? Remove access, but not the audit trail of their prior interactions and transaction records.

Scalable hierarchy: Whether one or one thousand locations, CenPOS provides standardized reporting, user management, role management, a suite of risk management tools, including customized fraud mitigation tools, and more. This enables merchants to not only better manage payments, but standardize training but also internal and external customer experiences.

Flexibility: Payment acceptance rules can be updated in an instant. This is especially important due to rapidly changing regulatory, PCI and other payment related rules. For example, when California passed a law about prohibiting collecting consumer zip codes, it went into effect immediately, and the fines were stiff for violating the rule. CenPOS merchants were compliant overnight.