Do you hate it when you want to cancel a recurring billing service, but the business doesn’t let you cancel online and instead provided a phone number? Merchants offering SaaS or any recurring billing sign-up online, must allow customers to cancel online to comply with the Visa Stored Credential mandate.

What if a business does not allow you to cancel online? Report Visa violations here It says for in store only, but there is a check box for recurring transactions. The web site also says to contact your financial institution via the phone number on the back of the card.
The basis for the change is to enable customers more control over their purchasing, and stored card management. It makes sense if you can buy online 24/7, then you should be able to cancel online 24/7.
Rules for merchants to store cards and use stored cards changed dramatically in 2017, with enforcement beginning last year. Compliance is not automatic. Payment gateways manage most of the technical details, however, not all payment gateways are capable yet. Compliance is not optional and merchants are getting notices of violations subject to assessments and fines if not resolved. If your payment gateway or integrated solution does not support the needs to comply with the stored credential mandate, contact your acquirer, or credit card processor, to request a temporary waiver.
Call Christine Speedy, CenPOS Global Sales. 954-942-0483, 9-5 ET for all your recurring billing and stored credential payment gateway and virtual terminal needs. CenPOS is an integrated commerce technology platform driving innovative, omnichannel solutions tailored to meet a merchant’s market needs. Providing a single point of integration, the CenPOS platform combines payment, commerce and value-added functionality enabling merchants to transform their commerce experience, eliminate the need to manage complex integrations, reduce the burden of accepting payments and create deeper customer relationships.